An Integrated Sustainability Strategy that sets a sustainability direction for Greater Curtin through its development life cycle, and underpins the Greater Curtin Masterplan
Location: Bentley, Perth, Western Australia
Client: Curtin University
Time frame: 2012 – Ongoing
Services provided by Syrinx
Integrated Resource Management; Sustainable/Green Infrastructure; Water Sensitive Design; Landscape Architecture; Constructed Wetlands & Biofilters
Project Phases Delivered
Project Phases Details
An Integrated Sustainability Strategy that sets a sustainability direction for Greater Curtin through its development life cycle and underpins the Greater Curtin Masterplan
The Masterplan will transform the 114ha campus over 20 years through urban renewal, sustainable design and high-quality public spaces within a mixed development. Such a mix will foster interaction between people, the built environment, land uses, activities and the public realm.
Syrinx’s role – as environmental and sustainability consultants – included developing the overall Sustainable Green Infrastructure and Integrated Resource Management plans, Integrated Water Management Strategy, and feasibility studies for the site. A series of initiatives were proposed based on Syrinx’s Integrated Sustainable Design Framework.
The initiatives include:
- Demand Management
- Rainwater Harvesting & Reuse
- Wastewater Treatment & Reuse
- Neighbourhood based swale and Living Knowledge Stream Network
- Biodiversity Linkages
- Irrigation Recycling
Awards and achievements
- Australian Institute of Landscape Architect’s (AILA) WA, Urban Design Award of Excellence, 2016, Winner (Greater Curtin Masterplan)
Key outcomes
- The Greater Curtin Masterplan received Australia’s first 5 Star Green Star – Communities rating. The Masterplan is underpinned by the Sustainable Green Infrastructure and Integrated Resource Management plans (which were carried out by Syrinx).
- The Living Knowledge Stream Network Initiative is a multi-functional outdoor living and learning laboratory that aligns with two important Whadjuk Nyoongar Songlines and replaces the conventional stormwater (pit and pipe) drainage infrastructure within an open, green waterway network.
- The Rainwater harvesting & Reuse Initiative proposes the collection of clean rainwater run-off from roofs for distribution to neighbourhood based underground centralised rainwater storage tanks. Water leaving the tanks will be appropriately treated and then integrated with the main scheme water supply, for potable use.
- The Treated Wastewater Reuse Initiative proposes a decentralised wastewater treatment plant to recycle treated effluent for non-potable internal uses, irrigation and on-site water body top-ups.